The Geena the Latina and Frankie V Morning Show

The Geena the Latina and Frankie V Morning Show

Listen to Geena The Latina and Frankie V weekday mornings from 6 to 10am on San Diego's #1 HIT Music Station, Channel 933. You can expect lots of...Full Bio


Help Jasmin and her son Gio - Make Happiness Happen

Help this single mom in need and show her what San Diego is all about.

This morning we were introduced to Jasmin and her story. Jasmin is a hard working dedicated mom, she is working to get ahead since her tragic accident. Jasmin moved here from the east coast with her son but she is finding it very difficult to afford to live her with no help.

She survived a domestic violence attack that almost took her life and now she is working hard to rebuild her life. With no family support she really needs the support of San Diego! Here is how you can the link below and share Jasmin's story or donate to her gofundme account.


Thank you to our friends at Batta Fulkerson Law Group for Making Happiness Happen

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