San Diego, California

San Diego, California

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WATCH Pregnant Otter Steals Surfer's Board At California Beach

Nick Ericksen had a frustrating encounter with a sea otter while surfing in Santa Cruz earlier this week. The heavily pregnant female decided to commandeer his board after he got separated from it after riding a wave. The otter was became very attached to the surf board and even chased Nick back to shore after regained control of it.

Nick's friend recorded to whole incident and shared it on his Instagram account @cum_quat. WARNING curse words can be heard in parts of the video.

@partsgrom had a real case of the mondays yesterday.. A pregnant otter stole his surfboard, starts gnawing on it, and they had a standoff. At the end he gets a little help to get his board back, almost attacked at a couple points, then gets chased in like a true local 😂 #punkedbyanotter 🤦🏽‍♂️ years ago parts said his 1st tattoo was going to be a an otter, this may have changed his mind 🦦

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