Everyone loves a helpful website, right?!
Check out these websites that help with everything from recipes to public restrooms.
- Window-Swap.com- If you're sick of looking out your own window during the lock down, you can look out of other people's windows all over the world!
- MyFridgeFood.com- If you need to cook something up for dinner but aren't sure what, you enter a bunch of random ingredients that you have on hand, and it gives you recipes you can make!
- FutureMe.org- Send a note to your future self! (Or an email). Some people use it to help themselves stick to long-term goals and others say it's simply therapeutic.
- RunPee- It's an app that lets you search different movies and tells you the best time to take a bathroom break so you don't miss anything important!
- GetHuman.com- Type in the name of a company and it gives you a customer service number that gets an actual human on the phone. Or a robot will tell you which buttons to push.
- JustWatch.com- Enter a movie or show and it tells you the streaming platforms that are currently playing it!
- WornOnTV.net- If someone in a show is wearing an outfit you like, you can search for it and find out where it's sold. How cool!
We hope you find these fun and useful!