A couple who got married on Friday held their reception at an unusual venue. Juan Pablo Cervantes and Vanessa Cervantes followed up their wedding with some Double-Doubles and Animal Style fries at a nearby In-N-Out.
The groom told KTLA that the newlyweds "really like In-N-Out," and that was "the only reason" they decided to hold their wedding reception at the enormously popular California-based burger chain. Cervantes also explained that he serves in the United States Air Force and is stationed in New Mexico, where there are no In-N-Outs."And I've been gone for a while," he said.The newlyweds, still dressed in their wedding attire, celebrated the nuptials by each ordering a Double-Double, while Juan Pablo added an order of Animal Style fries.The husband and wife say they are headed to England for their honeymoon.
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Courtesy of KTRK