In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, the family of an elderly Florida resident grew concerned when they couldn’t reach her.
Claire Olsen, 87, was M.I.A for a couple of days and her family in Nebraska weren’t able to get the police department or fire department to help make sure she was safe. So one of her grandsons came up with an idea and called a Papa John’s Pizza near her house and specifically asked one of the staff members if they could deliver a pizza to her and check up on her.
Great idea, right?
Immediately the pizza was delivered to her but she was confused and kept saying she had not ordered a pizza. That’s when the delivery man told her that one of her grandsons had put in the order for her and just needed someone to check up on her. Claire was absolutely stunned that her family went out of their way just to make sure she was safe. It turned out that Claire’s phone line had been swiped away by the hurricane.
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