Things That Matter With Geena The Latina May 26th

Over 150 thousand people visited beaches here in San Diego over Memorial Day Weekend. People were still not allowed to lounge on the beaches however people still tried. Police say most people showed cooperation with the rules, but weren’t always happy about it. Lots of restaurants opened up however there were long waits. All in all though, more people were just happy to be out of the house and actually have somewhere to go. 

Meanwhile, casinos in Las Vegas are getting ready to open. There will be free parking, but no valet service. Bartenders, blackjack dealers and waiters will be wearing masks and there will be hand sanitizer everywhere. 4 players only at roulette and six at craps. Poker rooms will be closed. Plastic partitions will separate dealers from players and players from each other at certain venues. Dayclubs, buffets and large venues will remain closed. Hotels will be limited to 50% capacity. The governor of Nevada has set a tentative of June 4 date for reopening casinos.

California has now allowed places of worship to partially reopen starting today. Under the guidelines, places of worship must limit attendance to 25% of building capacity or 100 attendees, whichever is lower. Churches must also arrange for social distancing of at least 6 feet between people. Services will be shortened. Children’s play areas will be closed. They strongly recommend discontinuing singing, group recitation, and other practices where there is increased likelihood for transmission like kissing of ritual objects, the use of a common cup.

These rules will be in place for the first 21 days and then they will review.

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