Jamie Rathburn, a mother from South Carolina, was arrested after confronting son's bullies at Greenbrier Elementary School
Jamie Louise Rathburn, a 34-year-old mother of 2, from Greenville, South Carolina, believed that her son has been getting picked on since last year. She took matters into her own hands when she felt that the school failed to stop the bullying by entering the school on May 17, 2019 during the morning drop-off to confront her son's bullies. A teacher notified the sheriff's department that the mother had yelled at the suspected bullies, told them that she would find out who was doing the bullying, and find out who their mothers were before cursing at the teacher. Rathburn later posted on Facebook admitting that she snuck into the school and confronted kids before it was taken down.
The school's surveillance video shows her pointing at a group of third grade kids. She was arrested a few days later on May 20, 2019 by the local sheriff's department a few days after the alleged incident for disturbing schools and was released later, but banned from being near the school again.
Rathburn later created a Facebook group called 'Moms Over Bullies,' which invites other parents to share their own stories about bullying.