How Much Money Do Millennials Make In Different States?

How much money do millennials make in different states?

There are plenty of reasons why millennials might consider living in a different state. Some want adventure, some want to be closer, or away from relatives, and for some, it might be home affordability.

For many, a job might pay more or the same in a different state. Mix that with cheaper rent or home prices and you've got no reason NOT to pick up your bags and go. 

HowMuch recently released data from the U.S. Census Bureau which points out, how much money on average, people who were born between 1982 and 2000 make in different states. They adjusted average earnings with the cost of living in each state to come up with a map

Turns out, those in the Northeast and Midwest are earning more than their counterparts in the West and South on average. 

Millennials in Massachusetts, on average, take home the biggest paychecks at $80,000+. Minnesota and North Dakota followed respectably in 2nd and 3rd place. New Mexico took the last place at an average income of $51,000. 

51. New Mexico -- $51,893

50. Mississippi -- $53,269

49. Florida -- $54,889

48. Louisiana -- $56,377

47. Arkansas -- $57,312

46. Tennessee -- $57,735

45. South Carolina -- $57,969

44. West Virginia -- $58,226

43. Nevada -- $58,399

42. North Carolina -- $58,818

41. Alabama -- $59,167

40. Oklahoma -- $60,311

39. Kentucky -- $60,363

38. Idaho -- $60,806

37. Georgia -- $60,851

36. Arizona -- $60,987

35. Montana -- $61,277

34. New York -- $61,552

33. Michigan -- $61,773

32. Delaware -- $61,781

31. Texas -- $62,173

30. California -- $62,873

29. Maine -- $62,934

28. Oregon -- $63,099

27. Indiana -- $64,272

26. Ohio -- $64,386

25. Vermont -- $64,464

24. Hawaii -- $64,700

23. Rhode Island -- $64,825

22. Pennsylvania -- $65,213

21. Missouri -- $66,144

20. Kansas -- $66,908

19. Illinois -- $68,714

18. Colorado -- $69,024

17. Wisconsin -- $69,526

16. Connecticut -- $69,623

15. Iowa -- $69,739

14. Washington -- $70,441

13. Nebraska -- $70,870

12. South Dakota -- $70,989

11. Utah -- $71,284

10. Virginia -- $71,397

9. New Jersey -- $72,150

8. Alaska -- $72,374

7. Wyoming -- $73,345

6. New Hampshire -- $73,941

5. Maryland -- $74,737

4. Washington, DC -- $75,220

3. North Dakota -- $76,836

2. Minnesota -- $77,090

1. Massachusetts -- $80,307

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