High School Senior Loses 110 lbs by Walking to and from School

Michael Watson, 18, lost 115 lbs walking to and from school and swapping out pizza for more healthier alternatives.

One day in his sophomore year of high school, Michael Watson felt he needed to make some changes in his life after seeing a 325 lb version of himself in the mirror. The Canton, Ohio student started by skipping the school bus, walking to and from school (a 40 minute round trip) no matter the weather, and swapping out pizza for healthier alternatives such as oatmeal, soup, and salad. He learned how to count calories too with the help of his dad, Jim Watson.

It was hard at first, but he eventually got used to his new lifestyle. He'd see the progress when he weighed himself on the scale and pushed himself to lose another 10 lbs.

Today, he's at 210 lbs, that's over 100 pounds that he lost!

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