Geena And Frankie Call Out Phone Screener Jess In Front Of Her Dad!!

Geena And Frankie Call Out Phone Screener Jess In Front Of Her Dad... + Crazy Girl Confessions!

Today is Frankie's Mom's birthday!! Frankie and his brother have a big surprise planned for her back home in Boston, but there's just one thing....they've been so secretive about everything, that now she thinks that no one even cares about her bday! Did they go too far?!

More Crazy Girl Confessions for your Thursday! And this one had to do with laundry detergent and chili powder....

Plus! Phone Screener Jess just got herself into some trouble... her boyfriend Garage Boy stayed with her the other weekend at her Aunt and Uncle's house. Something her Dad would NOT be too happy about. So, Geena and Frankie felt that it was only right, to call him and tell him what was going on....

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