Baby Yoda Plush Toy Is Now Available For Pre-Order

The Mandalorian's The Child AKA "Baby Yoda" is a hit and Disney is rushing to hit store shelves

If you've been watching The Mandalorian on Disney+, there's a good chance that you've fallen in love with "Baby Yoda" by now. We know this baby is NOT actually Yoda, based on the timeline of the story, but that this "child" is part of Yoda's species. But for all intents and purposes, let's just go with the street name of "Baby Yoda."

If you've tried to find a Baby Yoda doll for yourself or loved one, you only run into a bunch of homemade Etsy versions. Turns out, Disney wanted to keep Baby Yoda a secret until The Mandalorian's debut on Disney+ that they kept toy production out of the launch plans.

Where can you buy a legit Baby Yoda toy?

Here's the issue, Christmas is only a few weeks away. And if those dolls haven't been manufactured and on shelves by now, they're not going to be under any Christmas trees this year. So Disney is taking pre-orders for the 11 inch tall Baby Yoda plush toy (well not really fully plush since the head is made of vinyl) for March 2020 delivery.

The Mandalorian - Baby Yoda - The Child

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