You'll Be Getting A Credit On Your Next Two SDG&E Bills

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San Diego Gas & Electric customers will see a reduction in their upcoming electricity bills, reports the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The reduction in electricity bills for the months of August and September is thanks to the state's annual Climate Credit.

The credit is funded by money raised by California's cap and trade program that calls for power plants, natural gas providers, and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits.

The amount of $34.60 will be deducted from the two monthly statements, for a total of $69.20.

According to the Union-Tribune, SDG&E customers don't need to take any action to have the money deducted from their bills.

The amounts will be automatically deducted from the accounts of about 1.4 million residential and small businesses in the utility's service territory.

The amount of credit changes from year to year and depends on the amount of revenue generated by the cap and trade program.

Previously, customers received the credit in their April and October statements until SDG&E petitioned last year for the California Public Utilities Commission to switch the timing to August and September.

According to Union-Tribune, those months are when bills are typically at their highest due to customers using their air conditioners more in the hot weather.

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