Surprising This Selfless Mom With a Special Night At Sycuan Casino Resort!

Trisha reached out to Geena and Frankie to make happiness happen for her mother Gladys.

Trisha shared with the show that her and husband run a business together and over the year they have been understaffed. In order to help alleviate the stress, Gladys moved down to San Diego to her help daughter out. Trisha is extremely grateful for her mother’s help.

Trisha describes her mother as selfless and never complains when she comes into work. Trisha’s dream is to become successful enough so Gladys would never have to work again so she enjoy her leisure time at the casino.

Thanks to our friends at Batta Fulkerson and Sycuan Casino, we were able to surprise Gladys with a gift card and a one-night stay at Sycuan Casino!

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