Chaos Emerges During Kanye West’s Deposition!

Kanye is in a legal battle with a company called MyChannel, which claims that Kanye stole the company’s technology to sell his Sunday Service merchandise but did not follow through on a promise to invest in their business.

MyChannel is seeking more than $20 million in damages. 

During a virtual court deposition, Kanye West alleging went off during the hearing. Kanye called a MyChannel lawyer “boy” multiple times during the heated deposition, which only lasted about 10 minutes until a Kanye terminated the meeting and walked off.

At one point during the heated exchange, Kanye told one of the lawyers that he was lucky to be deposing the “richest Black man in America and a Black Trump supporter and that he couldn’t be bothered with the deposition because he had lives (and diets) to change.”

In addition to requesting that Kanye has a in-person deposition next month, MyChannel is seeking to sanction Kanye for $63,000.

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