Surprising This Stepfather For Father’s Day!

Vanessa reached out to Geena and Frankie to Make Happiness Happen for her Fiancé, Alex (Alejandro).

Vanessa and Alex have been together for about 5 years and Alex has stepped up to be the father figure to Vanessa’s three children from a previous relationship.

Alex is hard-working and takes great care of the household. He works 2 jobs and works 7 days a week. Usually Alex is gone in the morning and doesn’t come back until around Midnight!

Vanessa feels lucky to have Alex in her life and loves gushing about him. The couple is planning their wedding for this October and Vanessa is thrilled to call Alex her husband.

Father’s Day is near and Vanessa is hoping that Geena and Frankie can help her surprise her future husband with the ultimate father’s day gift to show not only her gratitude but their children’s gratitude as well!

Thanks to our friends at Batta Fulkerson, we were able to surprise Vanessa and Alex with a gift card!

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