This Employee Surprised Their Boss As An Act of Gratitude!

Joesph wanted to Make Happiness Happen for his boss, Dr. Stephanie Cherqui.

Dr. Cherqui operates a research lab at UCSD that specializes in searching for genetic cures to orphaned genetic diseases.

Research labs have been hit hard during the pandemic and it has been difficult to keep employees paid.

Joesph said that his boss has sacrificed so much for her research group and has exemplified kindness during the pandemic by making sure the lab has enough funding to keep the lab fully paid and employed. She continuously stayed for long hours to finalize grant proposals which sacrificed time with her two children to ensure job security for her lab employees.

Joesph is hoping that Geena and Frankie can assist him in surprising his boss with a gift that shows his gratitude and also give Dr. Cherqui a break to spend some quality time with her family.

Thanks to our friends at Batta Fulkerson, we were able to surprise Dr. Cherqui with a gift card so she can spend quality time with her family over dinner.

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