Help This Girl Scout Reach Her Cookie Goal!

This weeks Make Happiness Happen reciepientThis weeks Make Happiness Happen recipient Is Mirayah! Mirayah has been a Girl Scout for 3 years and many would describe her as a hard worker with a heart of gold.

In second grade during the Thanksgiving holiday break she decided she wanted to start a toy drive at her school. She was concerned that there were kids that wouldn’t get toys and she wanted to do something about it. She wrote a letter to her principal with her plans. The principal agreed to let her have a toy drive on campus. She continued to hold one every year, except this past year due to the pandemic. Over the past 3 years, over 600 toys were raised and were taken to toys for tots.

Last year, Mirayah was one of the top cookie sellers in San Diego earning her many rewards. Each year, Girl Scouts are offered the opportunity to accept their awards or donate their awards to benefit the community and Mirayah decided to help her community in 3 different ways. The first reward she chose to donate helped donate 240 face masks to our frontline caregivers at Sharp HealthCare. The second award she donated helped feed families and individuals through the San Diego Food Bank. The third award helped sponsored microchip and parasite treatment for an animal.

This year Mirayah original cookie goal was to sell 1,500 boxes, unfortunately due to pandemic the goal was lowered to 650. Right now she has sold 181 online through her cookie site and about 200 offline. 

If you would to help Mirayah reach her goal and purchase some cookies

Click Here:

Last year, Mirayah was one of the top cookie sellers in San Diego earning her many rewards. Girl Scouts are usally

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