10 Questions That Will Help You Find 'Red Flags' On A First Date

Finding that perfect someone isn't easy. Even finding someone you'd like to casually date has challenges, but these questions could help you weed out people that just aren't right for you. A bunch of women shared their 'favorite screening questions for red flags on first dates' and here are the top ten:

  1. "Is there anyone who would be upset to find out your were on this date?" - Environmental-Gate 75
  2. "What did you learn about yourself from your last relationship? If they only spew hate and can't reflect, I'm Out." - Pug Pianist
  3. "I ask what they would do if they won the lottery. I think it shows what people value and where their priorities lie. Their answers can help reveal someone's character." - fluorescentmomo
  4. "What's something you did as a teenager that your are still ashamed of?" - The_SSRudd
  5. "So I'm thinking of getting a tattoo... Actually, I'm not thinking particularly hard about getting a tattoo, it just tends to bring out a guy's opinion on a bunch of things and if he gets controlling that's a big no." - neetykeeno
  6. "Do you believe in aliens? It will lead to interesting conversation and give insight to their belief of a higher power or otherwise. Sometimes approaching religion upfront can be intimidating or cause inaccurate responses." - queenbeetches
  7. "I like to ask men what feminism is. Those of quick with will not venture to mansplain." Sephpoppy
  8. "Do you like animals/have pets (that you treat well)?" - mostlyflowers
  9. "Ask about other women in their lives - mothers, sisters, friends. Pay attention to how they interact with female waitresses/cashiers/etc. See how they treat women the are not necessarily trying to impress in the moment." - ThroughTheSideDoor
  10. "Who won the 2020 presidential election?" - middleageslut

Read the rest of this Brobile article and see all of the responses on Reddit.

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