Phone Screener Jess Takes Her Relationship To The Next Level....

Phone Screener Jess Takes Her Relationship To The Next Level + Crazy Girl Confessions

Phone Screener Jess and her boyfriend Garage Boy just took a MAJOR step in their relationship over the vacation break! And it's giving Frankie V. some MAJOR anxiety! LOL!

One of our listeners had a feeling that her man was cheating.... not only did she catch him in the act, but she got the OTHER WOMAN involved in getting back at her EX! Find out what happened in this morning's Crazy Girl Confessions!

Plus! Make Happiness Happen! A mom called in to help create a little happiness for her 14-year-old son. With everything going on, Alaleh and her son Milaad are going through what a lot of families are going through right now: life being put on hold. Milaad had to miss out on his birthday, his school year, award ceremonies, class trips, and his 8th grade graduation. So, Alaleh reached out to the Geena and Frankie show in hopes to help make up for all the things he's had to miss out on this year. Thanks to our friends over at Batta Fulkerson, we were able to surprise Milaad with something special!

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