Frankie Opens Up About The Passing Of His Father + Love Em' Or Leave Em'?!

Frankie Opens Up About The Passing Of His Father + Love Em' Or Leave Em'?!

Frankie has a hard time when it comes to showing his emotions, but he saw a movie over the weekend that touched a special place in his heart. It made him think about the passing of his dad, and if he could just have 1 more day with him, what would he say?

Would you make your significant other take a lie detector test?? For this week's Love Em' Or Leave Em' a listener calls in for some advice and thinks her BF is cheating! She is seriously considering making him take a test!

Plus! Geena went to her uncle's 97th birthday party over the weekend and it inspired the show to go around the room and answer the question, "What advice would you give to your younger self?". We also have Geena's Dad and Frankie's Grandma on the show to give their own advice!

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