Man Deletes Tinder After Date Replies with 'LMAO'

Harry, who lives in the UK, posted on Twitter that he would be deleting his Tinder account after asking a girl named Rachel for a 2nd date and instead got a screenshot of their message along with 'LMAO'

Harry met Rachel through Tinder and thought that they should hang out again for a 2nd date. He told her, 'Hey, I had a really nice time last night. Would love to see you again some time?'

Harry shared the reply on Twitter and got over 200,000 likes along with words of encouragement. His date Rachel claimed that she had accidentally sent him that message (that was meant for a good laugh with someone else?).

Photo: The "Tinder" app logo is seen on a mobile phone screen on November 24, 2016 in London, England. Following a number of deaths linked to the use of anonymous online dating apps, the police have warned users to be aware of the risks involved, following the growth in the scale of violence and sexual assaults linked to their use. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

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