Macy's Removes Controversial 'Mom Jeans' Plates from Stores

After backlash, Macy's agreed to remove "mom jeans" POURTIONS plates that fat-shame customers.

The POURTIONS plates, which sell for $9.50, have different lines which show how much someone needs to eat in order to fit into "mom jeans" or "skinny jeans". On the POURTIONS website, it says, "There’s nothing like broken-in, faded, ripped-in-the-right-place jeans. They look great, and more importantly, they fit great. So, keep your eye on the middle circle and you’ll always be in fashion."

Alie Ward, a podcast host, pointed out the plates on social media before they were removed from store shelves. She writes: 'How can I get these plates from @Macys banned in all 50 states.'

Macy's responded to the Tweet: 'Hi, Alie — we appreciate you sharing this with us and agree that we missed the mark on this product. It will be removed from all STORY Macy's locations.'

Actress Jameela Jamil responded to the tweet: 'F*** these plates. F*** these plates to hell.'

@stanreddington responded: 'Ridiculous. Don't bow down to people with no sense of humor.'

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