List of Mass Shootings in the United States Since 1949

The United States had more mass shootings in modern history than any other country. Mainly, committed by killers who act alone

What is a mass shooting?

In 2015, the Congressional Research Service defined a mass shooting as "a multiple homicide incident in which four or more victims are murdered with firearms, within one event, and in one or more locations in close proximity". This includes the perpetrator as well. 

The rate of mass shootings mainly committed using rifles, handguns, and shotguns, have more than tripled since 2011.  The rate used to be once every 200 days before 2011. After that, the rate was increased from one mass shooting every 64 days, in the United States.

Overall, there was about a 50% decrease in deaths by firearms in the United States since 1993. The economy was getting better then. But there's no way to really explain why there has been an increase in mass killings in the United States. 

Here is a list of mass shootings (10 or more deaths) that have occurred in modern U.S. history (1949 to present)

  • 2018 Thousand Oaks shooting - 25 injuries, 13 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistol
  • 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting - 17 injuries, 17 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle
  • 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting - 7 (inc. the perp.) injuries, 11 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle, semi-automatic pistols
  • 2018 Santa Fe High School shooting - 14 injuries, 10 deaths, firearm(s) used: Shotgun and revolver
  • 2017 Las Vegas shooting - 851 (422 from gunfire) injuries, 59 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifles and revolver
  • 2017 Sutherland Springs church shooting - 20 injuries, 27 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle
  • 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting  - 53 injuries, 50 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol
  • 2015 San Bernardino attack - 24 injuries, 16 (inc. both perps.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifles
  • 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting - 8 injuries, 10 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols and revolver
  • 2013 Washington Navy Yard shooting - 8 injuries, 13 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistol and shotgun
  • 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - 2 injuries, 28 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol
  • 2012 Aurora shooting - 70 injuries, 12 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun
  • 2009 Binghamton shootings - 4 injuries, 14 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols
  • 2009 Fort Hood shooting - 33 (inc. the perp.) injuries, 14 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistol and revolver
  • 2009 Geneva County massacre - 6 injuries, 11 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifles, revolver, and shotgun
  • 2007 Virginia Tech shooting  - 23 injuries, 33 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols
  • 2005 Red Lake shootings - 5 injuries, 10 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols and shotgun
  • 1999 Columbine High School massacre - 24 injuries, 15 (inc. both perps.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle, semi-automatic pistol, shotguns
  • 1999 Atlanta shootings - 13 injuries, 10 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols and revolver
  • 1991 Luby's shooting  - 27 injuries, 24 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols
  • 1990 GMAC shootings - 6 injuries, 10 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle
  • 1986 Edmond post office shooting - 6 injuries, 15 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols
  • 1984 San Ysidro McDonald's massacre  - 19 injuries, 22 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun
  • 1984 Palm Sunday massacre - 0 injuries, 10 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols
  • 1983 Wah Mee massacre - 1 injuries, 13 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistol(s) and/or revolver(s)
  • 1982 Wilkes-Barre shootings - 1 injury, 13 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic rifle
  • 1975 Easter Sunday massacre - 0 injuries, 11 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistols and revolver
  • 1966 University of Texas tower shooting  - 31 injuries, 18 (inc. the perp.) deaths, firearm(s) used: Rifles, revolver, pistols, and shotgun
  • 1949 Camden shootings  - 3 injuries, 13 deaths, firearm(s) used: Semi-automatic pistol

Experts believe that there are a few factors that may be partly to blame for the rise in mass killings.

  • Gun ownership has risen, at about 120.5 guns per 100 people. 
  • Lack of background checks due to staff shortages or not having enough information about the applicant. 
  • Lack of treatment for those suffering from mental illness
  • Revenge on those who bully
  • Some killers want to be known for something in history, lack of life satisfaction

Is there a solution to the number of mass killings in the United States?

Tell us in the comments.

(photo: creative commons)

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