Hillary Clinton Reads Excerpts From The Mueller Report in Trump Voice

Hillary Clinton mocked Donald Trump when reading Mueller report's 'I'm f***ed' line and even suggested that people raise money to send Attorney General William Barr BACK to law school

Former president Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton sat down with Comedy Central's Jordan Klepper and stumbled upon a GoFundMe campaign that's trying to raise money for Hillary to record an audiobook. The audiobook would be of HRC reading the entire Mueller Report. Hillary read the campaign page and said, 'Gosh, I would definitely do that,' and proceeded to do a test read of the infamous, 'Oh my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f***ed' line from the report... in her best Trump voice. She even joked about creating another campaign just to send Attorney General William Barr BACK to law school for continuing education.

The GoFundMe campaign was created by Tex Morgan from San Antonio, Texas on April 20. So far, as of this article, it had raised about $200 toward its $200,000 goal.

Hillary knows a thing or two about the presidential impeachment process, since her husband, Bill Clinton went through one, and because she was an attorney with the House Judiciary Committee Watergate in 1974 which helped to impeach President Richard Nixon.

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