Emergency Alert Issued To California, Rolling Blackouts Are Possible

California set a single-day record for demand on the state's power grid, but residents were able to cut back on energy enough to avoid rolling blackouts.

Demand peaked at just under 52-thousand megawatts, breaking the state's record from 2006.

The independent system operator issued a level 3 emergency alert for the power grid, the highest level on the scale, while sending out messages to cell phones across the state.

But unlike in August of 2020, the grid held enough power, and people cut back by almost 10-percent across the state as renewable energy dropped off, allowing California to get through the night without unplanned power outages.

While the heat wave continues this week, Tuesday had been the peak demand predicted across California.

Another Flex Alert to conserve power at the peak hours of 4pm to 9pm has been issued for Wednesday.

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