What Inspectors Found At This Century-Old San Diego Hotel Is Frightening

A single room occupancy hotel, usually used by those battling homelessness, is being shut down and cleaned out after the City Attorney's office found deplorable living conditions.

Fox 5 San Diego says the C Street Inn, which offers single rooms, has been evacuated because of fire hazards, mold, trash and an infestation of rodents.

Inspectors also found:

  • trash built up in hallways so that people could not pass through
  • plumbing and electrical modifications that had been done with a permit and were hazardous to residents
  • fire safety issues including a lack of alarms and extinguisher

The City Attorney's office says in addition to the health and safety violations, San Diego Police had been called nearly 200 times over the last three years for things like weapons threats, burglaries and public intoxication.

The owner of the hotel has been ordered to pay nearly five thousand dollars to each of the 72 people who had been living in the hotel.

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