Help Kevin Barber with his Wheels of Change program!

Kevin Barber is the 16 year old who started the program Wheels of Change to help the homeless here in San Diego!

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We spoke to Kevin on the phone today during our Make Happiness Happen segment.  We found out that Kevin needs some help with his project and here some info:

  • Kevin Barber got this idea from a TED talk video showcasing a similar program in Albuquerque, New Mexico that invited panhandlers to clean local streets in exchange to fair wages and access to city services.
  • Several times a week, a van picks up eight to ten people from of the downtown homeless shelters. The workers travel to different locations, removing trash to the same sidewalks and park benches where they once used to sleep.
  • After their shift, workers are brought back to the shelter, paid in cash and are expected to connect other homeless people.
    • Wheels of Change pays its participants $11.50 an hour.
  • Word of mouth is spreading; the waiting list is more than 150 names long

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