The Geena the Latina and Frankie V Morning Show

The Geena the Latina and Frankie V Morning Show

Listen to Geena The Latina and Frankie V weekday mornings from 6 to 10am on San Diego's #1 HIT Music Station, Channel 933. You can expect lots of...Full Bio


We Find Out the REAL Reason Juwan Can Not Get A Date!

Social Media Guru Juwan has been on the dating apps for almost 5 months and only went on 1 date! So the show decided to help him by reviewing his dating profile and ask San Diego some Do's and Dont's when creating a dating profile.

Frankie had a important meeting at a restaurant with a big client and he did this one thing that might be considered "rude" when dining out!

Plus! Are you smarter than Geena the Latina? Listener Elisa from Oceanside takes on Geena in a new Smarter Than!

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