Substitute Teacher Beats Up 16-year-old Student in Class

Tiffani Shadell Lankford, Hays County Sheriff's Office

Substitute teacher Tiffani Shadell Lankford, 32, was arrested after assaulting a 16-year-old sophomore girl in class at Lehman High School

The substitute teacher at Lehman High School, in Kyle, Texas, is seen getting in the 16-year-old's face before she throws closed fist punches followed by a stomp.

Classmates of the female victim notified faculty members who then promptly removed and fired the teacher, who had been working at the school since August 2019. Langford was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and was then released on $10,000 bond.

Principal Karen Zuniga sent an e-mail to parents:

Dear Lobos,

As a family, we share both the good news and bad news together. Today, I have to tell you about an incident that is disconcerting.

This afternoon, we fired one of our guest teachers for hitting and fighting with a student. Under no circumstance is that behavior tolerated at Lehman High School or in Hays CISD. Additionally, the former employee was arrested by the Hays County Sheriff’s Office and faces potential criminal charges. Her actions will also be reported to the Texas Education Agency.

We take the safety and security of our students seriously. We took swift action when this incident occurred and will do everything necessary to protect our students.

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