Not going to lie, this dad and I have a few things in common... We are devilishly handsome, are very wholesome, and also very late to the Costco party. Ever since I could remember my parents would always ask me if I wanted to come with to Costco to pick up anything. I always told them no I just would get whatever I needed from the supermarket or CVS or whatever. Well, this may sound weird but I grew up and became an adult... Crazy right? Well I had to start paying for things and let me tell you, things are not cheap. So when my friend recently suggested going to Costco I was like fine I'll give it a try. I didn't have one of their exclusive cards (nor did I understand why anyone would want to pay for a membership to a large super market).
That thought quickly left my head when I saw what Costco truly was. A mecca for anything you could possibly need. I'm not even kidding, they have everything from food to clothes to camping stuff there. I couldn't believe it. At any regular market it would be 5 bucks to get a ketchup bottle. At Costco I could get two Ketchup bottles for the same price... Why I would need two ketchup bottles at once is still up for debate but still I couldn't believe it. That's what makes this video so great. I can relate to it 100000000000%. So enjoy your wholesome video of the day!